Tuesday we headed up to my brother's place in Ohio, near the Pennsylvania border. On Thursday we picked up my Mom at the airport in Cleveland.
Most days while we were staying at Gary's, Mom and I went for a hike down the country lanes. These are just a few pictures of the country side.
Papa, Mama and babies.
On Saturday we got in on a little surprise birthday party for Adam with the family and his girlfriend, Tiffany.
Tiffany is very nice and seems to fit right in with the family. She got Adam a tackle box.
Sunday was the main event that we came for, Sarah's graduation. They had 84 graduates and the whole thing took 47 minutes! John said, "Now that's the way all graduations should be."
Back at the ranch, the menfolk are spiffing up the homestead after several days of rain. Soon they will be setting up the swimming pool next to the ladder. We could have used it those few days it was in the 90s.
They have a dog, two cats and four kittens. I'm usually not much of an animal person, but the kittens were only a couple weeks old and they were so cute.
The man of the house, grilling the steaks to perfection. Mom took us all out for supper one night. Don't anyone tell Claude that she was spending more of his inheritance!
Another day we got to attend Kinsie's school awards program, where she received several honors awards. Here she is with her proud parents and Grandma.
We couldn't leave without finding at least one historical marker. Our kids would be totally disappointed in us. Clarence Darrow was born in nearby Farmdale and lived in this octagon home in Kinsman from age 6 to 17 (1864-1875). He is one of the most prominent trial lawyers of the 20th century. He championed the powerless and steadfastly opposed the death penalty. He is best known for Tennessee v. Scopes, the famous 1925 "monkey trial" that first tested the legality of teaching the theory of evolution in public schools.
We were getting ready to leave, when my brother came out with props and insisted on this picture. Some people think they are so funny. Oh well, what can you say when you just got two weeks of free camping?
We will be in Greenfield, Iowa, John's hometown, on Wednesday and Thursday nights. Then on to Dawn's in Sioux Falls Friday for the weekend. Then straight out to Idaho for our grandson's baseball tournaments the next two weekends. We will be back in Brookings the last week in August.