Leaving Fredericksburg, we stopped in Johnson City. President Johnson was born near here in the home of his grandparents near the Pedernales River. This is the first home of his grandparents. They later sold this home to his uncle who
When he was five his family moved to this home in town and he spent the next ten years in Johnson City.
This is part of the original homestead. This guy looked really big and kind of mean and the fence didn't look that strong.
We are spending a few days with John's cousin near Austin. After relaxing for a day, we headed into Austin on Monday to see the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum on the University of Texas campus. It is 10 stories high. The entrance is on the third floor. The third, fourth and tenth floors have exhibits for the public.
This is a view from the 10th floor. There are 12 presidential libraries and Johnson's is the only one that is free, per his wishes.
I didn't know the first ladies were not always referred to as first ladies. Johnson started out as a teacher in a poor Mexican school. He never forgot the poverty and spent his whole public life trying to pass bills to help people of lesser means.
Under the Congress Ave. Bridge tourists were gathering to watch the bats as they fly out from there home under the bridge for their nightly feeding. In the summer there are over a million every night.
Another beautiful day!
Austin City sky line. You can see the Capitol on the far left.
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